Thursday, 15 March 2007

Point Blanc on Thursday Night Live @ NTV7 TONITE!!!

Dont miss it, Tonite (15 March 2007) at 9pm, catch Point Blanc on NTV7 as he makes a guest appearance on Thursday Night Live with Harith Iskandar. Catch him performing the "live" version of Ipohmali together with Malaysian Idol Jaclyn Victor. This is the first performance Point and Jac are doing the song together and is backed by a live band. Don't miss it tonite and tell everybody about it!

You have been warned!


R said...

Yo dude! You rock!!
Thumbs up for all the Ipoh Mali!!

ArchDyeu said...

Alright...!!!! I didnt miss out on the news, 30 minutes early...! haha....

Now all i hope is that the online streamying for ntv7 doesnt screws up....

ArchDyeu said...

Its the red BABE in tha houz'...!
Didnt expect you'd wear it then,. i thought it was for a vid soon to be up.

Yo bro, who was your back up that night, besides Jac?

Glacius said...

The dude who was backing Point last night on NTV7 goes by the name of Schizzow.. Or just plain Yung Shen. Lol

Recorded your interview down into my DVD recorder, Point Blanc. You sound as good in the studios when you're playing live :)

Keep it up yawww... Ipohmali..ipohipohmali...

Unknown said...

yo!! guess what I found dude!

it sucks. i can't embed it here.

Senorita Valentina said...

I can't believe I actually missed it even after putting a reminder on my phone!!!
Anyway to watch it now?
So sorry Point!


Unknown said...


the link in my previous comment :D

Glacius said...

Ipohmali :D